Purpose Coaching

Strong people know themselves, they know who they are, what they are here to do and as such are great to work with. ‘Know thyself’ is written on the inner piramids in Egypt, it is where the magic lies. It requires you to go within and learn about yourself. What are the basic rules you live and work by? What cause and work are you passionate by? What patterns do you find yourself in, the empowering and the debilitating ones? What do you want to achieve? With this coaching you shape and finetune your purpose.

Knowing who you are and what you are here to do makes it easier to realise your dreams. To handle challenges that inevitably come our way, it helps to know what you stand for. Does the team, the job, and the company you have chosen or created fit you and vice versa. Are you a match or does it need finetuning?

New York Times bestselling author in organizational psychology Dr. Tasha Eurich emphasizes the importance of self-awareness: your ability to recognize your thoughts, emotions, behaviors, beliefs, motivations and other characteristics about yourself such as strengths and weaknesses. Knowing your purpose is a crucial factor in creating a passionate life, a vital environment, successful collaboration and a strong identity that aligns to the true you.

In this coaching you become aware of what work fits you best and let that be a guiding principle in your manifestations. You become capable of great things that create a thriving environment making an impact.

To clarify your purpose we work with 7 modules, each highlighting another aspect. In every module you start with Meditations to work on your unconscious beliefs and reprogam limiting beliefs.

With the Questions you top that and work actively on your conscious level. You discover more and practice where your natural flow is.

In the Coaching you finetune your practice to strongly anchor your leadership.

Throughout the coaching we explore the following topics:

  • Your values
  • Your passions
  • Your aspirations
  • Your fit
  • Your patterns
  • Your reactions
  • Your impact

The benefits from the Purpose Coaching:

  • Meditation trains your body and mind to relax instead of tensing up. This enhances your creativity and capacity to make easier and wider connections.
  • You stop working form tension which leads to exhausting your willpower, and learn to come from healthy action and create from flow.
  • You become fully aware of your thoughts, feelings and motivations
  • You release old limiting experiences and make space for new ones
  • You enhance your power to influence your outcomes
  • You become free from assumptions and biases, enhancing your understanding of multiple perspectives and build better relationships to realise your dreams
  • By knowing your values, your passions, your aspirations, your fit, your patterns, your reactions and your impact you enhance your selfconfidence with clarity and intent.

Frequently Asked Questions:

How do I use the program?

  • You have 7 modules with meditations of varying length.
  • You do each corresponding meditation before the exercises at your own pace. Each meditation focuses on one pillar and varies in length. See when the practice fits best into your schedule. It helps to set a fixed moment. Feel free to repeat one specific session for every day or for a longer amount of time.
  • Note down your insights after every meditation, including new questions that may arise.
  • Once you have done the meditation, you deepen with the reflective questions
  • We focus on one topic/module at a time. To get the most out of it you want to prepare for your workbook with both the meditations and the questions.
  • The 7 pillars are scheduled over 14 weeks. This means you have 2 weeks of practice for each module. We adjust if necessary.
  • When you take this coaching with your team, we start together with a key note, you do the modules in your own time, and we end it again together with a closing session so you can anchor all the richess you've gathered individually during this course, and get the benefits together as a team.

When does the program start and finish?

  • The coaching starts on your chosen date. When you do it as a team 2 extra sessions are included to set you up together, go through the course on your own, and come back as a team in a closing session.

Coaching Curriculum

  Self-awareness Meditations
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Self-awareness session 1
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Self-awareness session 2
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Self-awareness session 3
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Self-awareness session 4
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Self-awareness session 5
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Self-awareness session 6
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Self-awareness session 7
Available in days
days after you enroll
  To you
Available in days
days after you enroll

Your investment to know where you fit and make your impact

If enriching your leadership and strengthening your purpose is what you are looking for for you and/or your team send an email to [email protected]. Be The Wellbeing is registered by the Flemish Flemish government and offers Flemish companies up to 20-30% subsidies. Be the Wellbeing registration number: DV.O220755.

If you have further questions we'll set up a video call to talk how to enhance your situation and leadership.